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105-34143 Marshall Road
Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 1L8

(604) 854-1734


Management Duties

Under the Real Estate Services Act (RESA Council Rules 3-3) our duties to our client are to:

  • Act in the best interest of the client
  • Act in accordance with the lawful instructions of the client
  • Act only within the scope of the authority given by the client
  • Advise the client to seek independent professional advise on matters outside the expertise of the licensee
  • Maintain the confidentiality of information respecting the client
  • Take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest, and/or if one exists, promptly and full disclose.

With this in consideration, we assist the client by:

  • Helping the Council with preparation of the annual budget
  • Maintaining records of all receipts and expenses
  • Submitting monthly financial statements to Council
  • Providing a central records office for all Strata administration and financial files
  • Collecting all fees, fines, and charges for the Strata Corporation
  • Coordinating quotation, maintenance and repairs at the Council's direction
  • Arranging adequate insurance coverage and regular annual Strata property appraisals
  • Paying approved monthly operating expenses (as applicable) for each project
  • Liaising between contractors and service people on behalf of the Strata Corporation
  • Performing general supervision of employees of the Strata Corporation
  • Preparing and administering of meetings (Council/AGM/SGM)
  • Attending Council meetings/AGM/SGM
  • Preparing all necessary forms as outlined by the Strata Property Act of BC for registration in the Land Titles Office on behalf of the Strata Corporation
  • Administering collections, foreclosure, bankruptcy, small claims, lien proceedings, etc.
  • Providing 24/7 emergency assistance
  • Providing consultation and resources to the Strata Council.